Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pain in the Arse (x 3)

Parviaisen Tuska is getting worse (not a single new African station heard yet), but Turviaisen Paska does not bother anymore (canned chili tunafish is still the number one fluid). The third (and most serious) pain is caused by the situation on the dial: the band is often crowded with NA stations but dominants mostly block all the interesting stuff behind them. And because each of us has already 5-40 stations QSLed on most frequencies the level of frustration and tension is rising. The mismatch between indexes and real conditions is astonishing. The scary part of last night was the long and weird howling (it seemed to come from the west).

Time between 21 and 23 UTC was the only "happy hour" for us yesterday(with stations like WFIF, WWSM and WNWT), otherwise: BOOO-OOOORING. Waiting for the better (what else we can do ?).

Stop blog: JHU just heard JOGB Kumamoto/Hitoyoshi relay on AM 1602 at 13'20 UTC. It seems that we still have hope. No losses of equipment or furniture today.

1 comment:

  1. I miss the cold temperatures, around zero on the Norway west coast. Appears like you experience the same AM condx as everyone else this week ... commenting or JOGB relay logging on 1602, I checked back in my lists for late 1984, Hopen Island, and found I had five confirmed loggings of different low power JJ from September through December that year. The JOGB relay was first logged 14 Nov 1984, and the fifth new one was the JOZB-1512 relay at Uwajima in Ehime prefecture logged on Christmas Eve 1984 - just before the four of us in the Hopen crew (a little like some LEM crews?) sat down for Christmas dinner and (a lot of) drinks ... Those were the (pre-SDR) days!
