Saturday, December 12, 2009

The End is Near ...

... because the signal levels are still on the raise (with KHOB in the afternoon and WCHP and WTWK in the early night). The official DXing part of LEM286 ended with Louisiana 1060, after that it was time to go to sleep before the massive dismantling process started (real hassle at this moment). Automated DXing continues up to 10 UTC.

Our three previous DXpeditions have been LEM248, LEM264 and LEM286 - so it's obvious that we have to wait until LEM428 for our next AM Carnival (for us AM stands for "Arctic Madness").

Thanks to all our viewers and commentators. We'll compile the final update with our "live loglist" soon. And as usual, Pandora's boxes are still unopened, those will multiply the number of fine catches in the next few years.

Sheer LURX-fun at this end, hopefully some smiles at your QTH as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!! A new smile for every new LURX-post in your blog. You guys are really something - adding great fun to an already exciting hobby. Very Hyvää!!!
